Tales From The Unspoken Times, Part Three - 「 A Wordsmith 」
{ Photo by Sofía Moya on Unsplash }

Got yourself vaccinated yet?

At first, I was feeling so... apprehensive. Mind you, I am not an anti-vaxxer. But originally I thought it feels so band-aid-ish, akin to a placebo effect. Not to mention, what kind of vaccine you can develop in less than a year? Why are there so many types in the market? Why are those first batches suffered so many side effects? What would the side effect on me be? Would it be safe?

The driver that took me to the vaccination center joked that people are more afraid of the side effects rather than the vaccine itself. And honestly, I agree. Who could blame him for thinking such? Something foreign is injected inside of our body. COVID-19, despite how many lives it took, is invisible, and what you can't see can't hurt you. Sayings of our fathers and mothers. We are built on this. We operate on this. It's easier to ride on this notion rather than an explanation of long and hard-to-spell medical jargon, seemingly further than reach. The thing of the smart and educated ones.

Nevertheless, I go. The thought of finally going to places (okay, cinema) feeling a lot safer already got me giddy. It's a little sad that many people get vaccinated solely to earn that permit to enter malls. But I couldn't care less. The more people got vaccinated, the better, whatever their objective is. Surely the vaccination rate spiked. It's all right with the world. Moreover, people are tired. A long year of the pandemic with so much neglect from the government that keeps on policing the already helpless and turning a blind eye on the rich is just so frustrating. The vaccine is that one ticket to go out and experience the (new) normal. For me, for you, for everyone.

Go get yourself vaxxed. Let's be friends afterward.

Tales From The Unspoken Times, Part Three


Tales From The Unspoken Times, Part Three - 「 A Wordsmith 」
{ Photo by Sofía Moya on Unsplash }

Got yourself vaccinated yet?

At first, I was feeling so... apprehensive. Mind you, I am not an anti-vaxxer. But originally I thought it feels so band-aid-ish, akin to a placebo effect. Not to mention, what kind of vaccine you can develop in less than a year? Why are there so many types in the market? Why are those first batches suffered so many side effects? What would the side effect on me be? Would it be safe?

The driver that took me to the vaccination center joked that people are more afraid of the side effects rather than the vaccine itself. And honestly, I agree. Who could blame him for thinking such? Something foreign is injected inside of our body. COVID-19, despite how many lives it took, is invisible, and what you can't see can't hurt you. Sayings of our fathers and mothers. We are built on this. We operate on this. It's easier to ride on this notion rather than an explanation of long and hard-to-spell medical jargon, seemingly further than reach. The thing of the smart and educated ones.

Nevertheless, I go. The thought of finally going to places (okay, cinema) feeling a lot safer already got me giddy. It's a little sad that many people get vaccinated solely to earn that permit to enter malls. But I couldn't care less. The more people got vaccinated, the better, whatever their objective is. Surely the vaccination rate spiked. It's all right with the world. Moreover, people are tired. A long year of the pandemic with so much neglect from the government that keeps on policing the already helpless and turning a blind eye on the rich is just so frustrating. The vaccine is that one ticket to go out and experience the (new) normal. For me, for you, for everyone.

Go get yourself vaxxed. Let's be friends afterward.

Tales From The Unspoken Times, Part Two - 「 A Wordsmith 」

I have a long-life struggle with my body. Basically, I don't feel like I lived in the right body. I move and the limbs don't proceed the movement in the way I want them to. They just don't listen to me. Which almost always resulted in falling, bruise, woke up with splatters of blood across my tee because I unknowingly scratched myself during sleep. It's frustrating. One major accident I had in 2019 where I fell from the stairs and sprained my foot was the biggest WTF moment.

And yet I couldn't really figure out 5W+1H.

Along came the second major lockdown earlier this year. Somehow I had this urge to do things differently this time. I wondered... Workout sounds nice... Or is it?

Any form of physical activity still demotivates me to this day. I used to love playing basketball since I almost always had good three-point shots but now I barely do it once a year anymore. The thought of sweating equals suffering, and the mere thought of having to trade my rest time with a strenuous workout feels so... daunting. Not to mention I am lazy... Snorlax type of lazy... Please don't judge me.

Nevertheless, I tried. With the help of the Samsung Health App.

At first, it was just some stretching, once every three days. Once I felt it's doable I moved to a posture improvement workout, a seven times 10-minute workout in a week, since I felt I have been super slouching since WFH started. THAT WAS IT. The sweat from the workout feels so refreshing, so exhilarating. My shaking legs feel like they have been going through some major uphill track and are willing to brave another one. Everything feels so foreign yet so good it's empowering. I really had this endurance? It was an eye-opening moment. And let's not start on how it really improves my sleeping time.

Four cycles of workout later, I sat straight, I walked well, my pelvic corrected.

I was close to tears.

My body feels right. Feels like it's home and placed right where it belongs. I stretched my arms and felt like they went to the exact distance I calculated. I wore my clothes and stepped out of the home, feeling the fabric lay right where their cuts are supposed to. No more awkward, out-of-body experience anymore. I can feel myself fully present and wholly there, materialized correctly.

Should've done it sooner.

I'm back doing my workout after taking a long break post-vaccine. Nowadays my routine consists of morning stretching (this video is the one for those lazy people like me) and sometimes afternoon workout if my work isn't too busy. I am trying out all the workout in the app that requires no equipment. And I hope I could continue doing this for a long long time.

It's so nice to sweat the shit out of your body that doesn't have anything to do with the heat.

Tales From The Unspoken Times, Part Two


Tales From The Unspoken Times, Part Two - 「 A Wordsmith 」

I have a long-life struggle with my body. Basically, I don't feel like I lived in the right body. I move and the limbs don't proceed the movement in the way I want them to. They just don't listen to me. Which almost always resulted in falling, bruise, woke up with splatters of blood across my tee because I unknowingly scratched myself during sleep. It's frustrating. One major accident I had in 2019 where I fell from the stairs and sprained my foot was the biggest WTF moment.

And yet I couldn't really figure out 5W+1H.

Along came the second major lockdown earlier this year. Somehow I had this urge to do things differently this time. I wondered... Workout sounds nice... Or is it?

Any form of physical activity still demotivates me to this day. I used to love playing basketball since I almost always had good three-point shots but now I barely do it once a year anymore. The thought of sweating equals suffering, and the mere thought of having to trade my rest time with a strenuous workout feels so... daunting. Not to mention I am lazy... Snorlax type of lazy... Please don't judge me.

Nevertheless, I tried. With the help of the Samsung Health App.

At first, it was just some stretching, once every three days. Once I felt it's doable I moved to a posture improvement workout, a seven times 10-minute workout in a week, since I felt I have been super slouching since WFH started. THAT WAS IT. The sweat from the workout feels so refreshing, so exhilarating. My shaking legs feel like they have been going through some major uphill track and are willing to brave another one. Everything feels so foreign yet so good it's empowering. I really had this endurance? It was an eye-opening moment. And let's not start on how it really improves my sleeping time.

Four cycles of workout later, I sat straight, I walked well, my pelvic corrected.

I was close to tears.

My body feels right. Feels like it's home and placed right where it belongs. I stretched my arms and felt like they went to the exact distance I calculated. I wore my clothes and stepped out of the home, feeling the fabric lay right where their cuts are supposed to. No more awkward, out-of-body experience anymore. I can feel myself fully present and wholly there, materialized correctly.

Should've done it sooner.

I'm back doing my workout after taking a long break post-vaccine. Nowadays my routine consists of morning stretching (this video is the one for those lazy people like me) and sometimes afternoon workout if my work isn't too busy. I am trying out all the workout in the app that requires no equipment. And I hope I could continue doing this for a long long time.

It's so nice to sweat the shit out of your body that doesn't have anything to do with the heat.

Tales From The Unspoken Times, Part One - 「 A Wordsmith 」

Last week I was feeling nostalgic and decided to open this blog, only to find out my codotvu domain was expired and the old method of logging once a year doesn't work anymore (basically I have to pay some hefty amount for something I don't even use a lot). So I guess it's time to dust off the control panel and do some tweaking, also on Disqus comment, I migrated everything. Everything is back and running well again.

And now I miss blogging.

Like, yes, it's a monthly thought. But this time I feel the urge to write. Maybe would result in a mishmash of words but I am gonna put it out in this not-so-private room of mine.

Previously titled "Tales from the Pandemic" but I don't want to mess with the search in these trying times. So that's it. Basically just a recollection of moments and thoughts I had during 2020, the start of the pandemic, to this day.

I have posted some updates as of August 2020 and everything is basically still the same. The struggle to maintain a healthy work-rest balance, trying to stay sane and not to lose myself in the process, finding the effort to find some joys in the mundane. It's alright. Although I do feel like I have been crying more often because everything feels like driving me insane in this house. The situation during pre-vaccine announcement was rather a gloom. Every time I go out to buy essentials and withdraw some cash I have to be extra careful when most people couldn't be bothered to wear masks and come in big groups. The employee couldn't do a lot to shoo them out because the sales have been low it's great that someone is coming for a purchase or two. I endured and finished my business to practically bolt home.

I got my shot last month, the second dose too at the beginning of the month. So all is good.

Now get this. I am a very lazy person, who unfortunately became the first line of defense when it comes to cleaning up. It's such a chore to live with so much junk accumulated in a day in various dust, fallen hair, even tissues and droplets of water. It's a battle to constantly clean and sanitize the whole shit I often thought of burning down the house and building my own possession from scratch so that I can start with way less. (Knock on wood) I don't know... I think I am just living with memories? In form of stuff and junk that I don't even have ownership of or belong to me in the first place. The whole quarantine/lockdown/social distancing has birthed a new view I have on stuff and possession. I remember a saying along the lines of "Poor people can't afford cheap stuff". I felt it strongly for a year or so. Seeing stuff I have don't really hold up after a few months of use because I sacrificed the best with the available. Quite a reality check, I say.

For now, I don't know. I still have a ton of stuff I'd like to dump from my house. I have a strong urge to scrub the hell out of this space. It's not helping that it's been very hot for a couple of days it's unbearable to stay in. Added touch to the whole suffocation I have been having for the past weeks, months.

I hope you, who read this, have been well. Hang on there. I am trying too.

Tales From The Unspoken Times, Part One

Tales From The Unspoken Times, Part One - 「 A Wordsmith 」

Last week I was feeling nostalgic and decided to open this blog, only to find out my codotvu domain was expired and the old method of logging once a year doesn't work anymore (basically I have to pay some hefty amount for something I don't even use a lot). So I guess it's time to dust off the control panel and do some tweaking, also on Disqus comment, I migrated everything. Everything is back and running well again.

And now I miss blogging.

Like, yes, it's a monthly thought. But this time I feel the urge to write. Maybe would result in a mishmash of words but I am gonna put it out in this not-so-private room of mine.

Previously titled "Tales from the Pandemic" but I don't want to mess with the search in these trying times. So that's it. Basically just a recollection of moments and thoughts I had during 2020, the start of the pandemic, to this day.

I have posted some updates as of August 2020 and everything is basically still the same. The struggle to maintain a healthy work-rest balance, trying to stay sane and not to lose myself in the process, finding the effort to find some joys in the mundane. It's alright. Although I do feel like I have been crying more often because everything feels like driving me insane in this house. The situation during pre-vaccine announcement was rather a gloom. Every time I go out to buy essentials and withdraw some cash I have to be extra careful when most people couldn't be bothered to wear masks and come in big groups. The employee couldn't do a lot to shoo them out because the sales have been low it's great that someone is coming for a purchase or two. I endured and finished my business to practically bolt home.

I got my shot last month, the second dose too at the beginning of the month. So all is good.

Now get this. I am a very lazy person, who unfortunately became the first line of defense when it comes to cleaning up. It's such a chore to live with so much junk accumulated in a day in various dust, fallen hair, even tissues and droplets of water. It's a battle to constantly clean and sanitize the whole shit I often thought of burning down the house and building my own possession from scratch so that I can start with way less. (Knock on wood) I don't know... I think I am just living with memories? In form of stuff and junk that I don't even have ownership of or belong to me in the first place. The whole quarantine/lockdown/social distancing has birthed a new view I have on stuff and possession. I remember a saying along the lines of "Poor people can't afford cheap stuff". I felt it strongly for a year or so. Seeing stuff I have don't really hold up after a few months of use because I sacrificed the best with the available. Quite a reality check, I say.

For now, I don't know. I still have a ton of stuff I'd like to dump from my house. I have a strong urge to scrub the hell out of this space. It's not helping that it's been very hot for a couple of days it's unbearable to stay in. Added touch to the whole suffocation I have been having for the past weeks, months.

I hope you, who read this, have been well. Hang on there. I am trying too.

i blinked and almost a year passed by without an update...

honestly, 2020 so far can be summed up in one word: awkward. every day is the new normal. neverending period of adjustment I hate to relive as if it's groundhog day. anyone feels the same? despite everything, it's been alright. sure the global pandemic hasn't been easy on most people, i     included. but I guess if anything, i shall look for the silver lining... if there's any...

so yeah, here are some updates from january to mid-august from yours truly, who felt like running out of love from blogging yet still wanting to buy new theme(s) and/or switching to squarespace. oh, the neverending struggle.

Life So Far



i blinked and almost a year passed by without an update...

honestly, 2020 so far can be summed up in one word: awkward. every day is the new normal. neverending period of adjustment I hate to relive as if it's groundhog day. anyone feels the same? despite everything, it's been alright. sure the global pandemic hasn't been easy on most people, i     included. but I guess if anything, i shall look for the silver lining... if there's any...

so yeah, here are some updates from january to mid-august from yours truly, who felt like running out of love from blogging yet still wanting to buy new theme(s) and/or switching to squarespace. oh, the neverending struggle.

How is it already August? Time went too fast and we're past the eighth month of the year. Wow. To be honest, nothing major happening this month but there was one concert I look forward to the most: TVXQ's! So this month's recap would be a word vomit about how I finally am able to witness them live!

I went back to my previous team after a short stint at the global team and honestly, everything went too slow for my liking. But I also took the opportunity to slow down after weeks of chaotic daily deadlines. It felt nice. I think the change refreshed me, which is important for my work. I also took a day off just to rest at home. I think I deserved that.

Truth be told though, nowadays I am suffering from a bad case of questioning myself. Whether my work quality has improved or not, seeing the assessment have been far from my liking. Am I that bad? What can I improve? All narrowed down to the point of wanting to resign so that the office would find a better worker. But I guess, as long as there's no direct complaint then my work should be okay. But seriously, though. Probably I should've asked for honest review face to face.

Last two weeks of August were fun due to two thing: Independence Day Celebration at work and TVXQ Concert -CIRCLE- #with!

I took part in celebration games with charades and despite my brain stopped working in the beginning to explain the rules of games, my coworkers were very patient with my demonstration and I feel super thankful. It can be so hard when your tongue dies in the middle of the sentence despite the overload information you want to say. But they have been very accommodating and everything went smoothly to the end. We also had a night karaoke session which I had too much fun with!

And came the day of TVXQ concert on August 31st! It was amazing and I got a pretty lovely spot next to the extended stage. They sang some of their greatest hits and several new songs. We jammed so hard to the end —which is why I didn't take many photos. Too busy jamming! Though the audience wasn't that much, they still performed so well as if it's a stadium level. I was awed and amazed. I managed to get a signed ball T_T #soblessed (full story and video is on instagram!).

Honestly, even by the time I am typing all of this, it still hasn't felt so much real. I felt like I was dreaming the best dream in my life because it was too good to be true. But it was real! Everything was so sweetly real! And I finally met a lot of friends I made in the decade of stanning them. They've always been the core of my universe. And to be able to meet them, this time in their concert, made me feel super sappy. Everything (finally) was alright with the world.

September came. I will try to improve my work quality and try to save up harder. There were a lot of misfortunes that gave quite a damage to my finance so far and I hope I could start making some progress with my savings. I haven't feel adulting done right in that part :( also, on September there will be a bazaar event in City Hall which I look forward. Can't wait!

How has your August been? Tell me stories. I would like to know x

August Rush



How is it already August? Time went too fast and we're past the eighth month of the year. Wow. To be honest, nothing major happening this month but there was one concert I look forward to the most: TVXQ's! So this month's recap would be a word vomit about how I finally am able to witness them live!

I went back to my previous team after a short stint at the global team and honestly, everything went too slow for my liking. But I also took the opportunity to slow down after weeks of chaotic daily deadlines. It felt nice. I think the change refreshed me, which is important for my work. I also took a day off just to rest at home. I think I deserved that.

Truth be told though, nowadays I am suffering from a bad case of questioning myself. Whether my work quality has improved or not, seeing the assessment have been far from my liking. Am I that bad? What can I improve? All narrowed down to the point of wanting to resign so that the office would find a better worker. But I guess, as long as there's no direct complaint then my work should be okay. But seriously, though. Probably I should've asked for honest review face to face.

Last two weeks of August were fun due to two thing: Independence Day Celebration at work and TVXQ Concert -CIRCLE- #with!

I took part in celebration games with charades and despite my brain stopped working in the beginning to explain the rules of games, my coworkers were very patient with my demonstration and I feel super thankful. It can be so hard when your tongue dies in the middle of the sentence despite the overload information you want to say. But they have been very accommodating and everything went smoothly to the end. We also had a night karaoke session which I had too much fun with!

And came the day of TVXQ concert on August 31st! It was amazing and I got a pretty lovely spot next to the extended stage. They sang some of their greatest hits and several new songs. We jammed so hard to the end —which is why I didn't take many photos. Too busy jamming! Though the audience wasn't that much, they still performed so well as if it's a stadium level. I was awed and amazed. I managed to get a signed ball T_T #soblessed (full story and video is on instagram!).

Honestly, even by the time I am typing all of this, it still hasn't felt so much real. I felt like I was dreaming the best dream in my life because it was too good to be true. But it was real! Everything was so sweetly real! And I finally met a lot of friends I made in the decade of stanning them. They've always been the core of my universe. And to be able to meet them, this time in their concert, made me feel super sappy. Everything (finally) was alright with the world.

September came. I will try to improve my work quality and try to save up harder. There were a lot of misfortunes that gave quite a damage to my finance so far and I hope I could start making some progress with my savings. I haven't feel adulting done right in that part :( also, on September there will be a bazaar event in City Hall which I look forward. Can't wait!

How has your August been? Tell me stories. I would like to know x
A Wordsmith.