Ennichisai Little Tokyo 2016

may 14-15th, ennichisai little tokyo 2016
my third time coming to this lovely event. despite the massive crowd and sudden drizzle on first day, everything was what matsuri should've been. a japanese-indonesian fusion festival at least. i came alone but meeting many people on the spot. it was fun, and the food is always great.

the omikoshi a.k.a portable shrine. pretty sure i have dozens of photos of this thing but it didn't stop me from taking another one. it's always beautiful to look at.

suddenly this ojisan appeared and a lady next to me shamelessly asked him to take photo in front of it. so yea *cue flailing inside because it's so cute*

smaller omikoshi in which a friend of mine carried last weekend. apparently you can volunteer to carry this. i'll make sure it'll be on my priority list next year!

just by the other side of the omikoshi display there's a stage where cover bands and idol groups performed. it's great to see whoever played on stage there always seem to be a lot of people who cheer for them. making the performers happy no matter how unknown they are. such a great appreciation here.

oh so glorious roasted squid! kinda dry, but i love that it's tasty. i had it for two days straight ;_____; it's glistening with minimal seasoning. cooked perfectly through. love it! leave it to japanese to make the most out of simple sea food cuisine.

didn't look tasty at all but yolo. kin no torikara is basically a karaage with assorted sauces of our choice (there's chocolate sauce but i'm too oldschool for such ~extravagant~ flavor). apparently this is kinda famous in japan. it's tasty too. i love it.

came a bit late by the next day and opted for some lighter food. takoyaki and kakigori (shaved ice) are a must at matsuri eventhough they're easily find nowadays. i also bought a classic matcha latte from sukiya which is super yummy! i wish i took photo of it.

everytime a matsuri ends, i found myself reminded by the same resolution i had for years: buy a camera to shot awesome photos! you can see eventhough vscocam saved them, my cellphone photos still look shitty at most. hopefully when it's ennichisai again next year, i'll have a better camera to remember everything. civil war review is up next :)

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