Movies Watched, March 2017

March was weird.

It started high. I even went to the cinema to watch Split and Logan on separate weekdays. I was enjoying every new release and super looking forward to Power Rangers. But alas, things have gone downhill in A Series of Unfortunate Events™. Rendered me hopeless and distracted, which affected my sleeping pattern and mood to this day. That's how bad it was. I skipped Kong, Power Rangers, and Hidden Figures because I was busy consoling myself. Dammit.

Nevertheless, I managed to clock 22 movies last month, with Logan and Beauty and the Beast being the highlight.

March 1st to March 31st. Total: 22 movies

  1. Push (2009)
  2. Split* (2016) - rather monotonous but McAvoy was a delight to watch
  3. Mission: Impossible (1996)
  4. Divergent (2014)
  5. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
  6. Stoker (2013) - an understated beautifully twisted fairytale
  7. X2 (2003)
  8. Regression (2015)
  9. Sherlock Holmes (2009)
  10. Logan* (2017) - me to Laura: You're doing amazing, sweetie.
  11. Brother Nature (2016)
  12. 300 (2006) - where did this amazing Snyder have gone?
  13. National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)
  14. Predators (2010)
  15. Mann v. Ford (2011)
  16. The Bronze (2015) - I feel bad for Seb because this movie was such a mess.
  17. The Program (2015)
  18. Jack Reacher (2012)
  19. Unstoppable (2010)
  20. Justice League vs. Teen Titans (2016)
  21. Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016) - WATCH. THIS. SHIT
  22. Beauty and the Beast* (2017)

Movies marked with an asterisk were watched in cinema. For a full list please go ahead to my Letterboxd. Also, for a real-time update, hop on to my diary where I (might) wrote slightly longer review on the movie. Here's my list for January and February.

A little update about me: better days have yet to come but at least things are calming down on the family side. Currently, I'm on the most uncomfortable PMS phase ever -- yearly occurrence, thankfully. I'm either crying non-stop or snap on everyone breathing. Worse: I'm having suicidal thoughts.

Thank you for reading. I took a break updating Highs and Lows because I, well,  need a break. Catch you up soon x

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