10 Things about Me (Entertainment Edition)

There's always something about the entertainment industry that fascinates me. How it keeps coming with a fresh break, a better 'recycle', and all the buzz that follows. Being an entertainment lover, it's somehow appropriate enough to put on a list of my favorite things about it. Here you go.


I wasn't raised in a family that loves art. But as long as I can remember, my lullaby was either Japanese soundtracks or tracks from world divas or rock love songs. My dad would play U2's albums, and my mom would put on some dorama tracks. Weekend was all about cleaning the house with top 20s.


My childhood kind of shaped my music preference and made me open to any kind of music. The thing I learn the most was there is no such thing as guilty pleasure. Like it or dislike it. As simple as that. I listen to everything. From Indonesian to Japanese, from EDM dance tracks to metal songs. My current playlist is all over the place (literally. From many countries).


I'm the type of person who kind of stuck with the same artist for over the years. Basically, if I dig the music, I'll stick with it until their music isn't my taste anymore. Talking about being a loyal fan. I've been a fan of Asian Kung-fu Generation for over ten years now. Also TVXQ for eight years. But then again, there are some artists I can always trust because they always deliver. Artists like Sade, John Park, Urban Zakapa, U2, Craig David, Andra & the Backbone, etc. In that case, I'm their casual fan.


Although I'm an avid listener of K-pop, I never particularly crazed about Korean drama. Surely it's fun but I rarely watch it. I love Princess Hours and Coffee Prince though. Basically anything with Kim Hye Soo and Yoon Eun Hye. I love their movies though. It's gripping and down to earth.


I never thought I'd say this but being so long in K-pop scene made me learn things that I never really thought I'd know if I'm still in J-rock scene right now. Naturally, because I'm curious, I always try to understand better about many things. In K-pop, let's say, things are just as dirty yet more blatant than Western music scene. Thus made me look up to the legal terminology, how the court actually work (because my fave group is no stranger to the lawsuit). Also human psychology, music, and entertainment in general. Even how to write proper news article plus basic translation, which brought me to the field of work I'm at, subtitling. I owe so much to literally everything in K-pop because, really, it pushes me harder to understand better and be a brighter person.


My first Disney movie was........... Sleeping Beauty. Imagine the thrill of me knowing Maleficent adapted on screen! Then Winnie The Pooh's Pooh's Grand Adventure for Christopher Robin. But my all time favorite would be Up. And it never fails to make me cry. Especially on the first 15 minutes.


For movies and series, I kind of based whether I want to see it or not from the casts and genre. My all-time favorite would be Kill Bill, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Dark Knight, The Way Home (that tearjerker Korean movie), Constantine, Pacific Rim, A Beautiful Mind, The Fall, and so on. Also, I almost never watch horror movie because it's a waste of time. I'd probably close my eyes for 3/4 of the movie haha


I love Robert Downey, jr.. I have soft spot over him because I subbed his movies several times. Also Chris Evans and James Franco, simply because I kind of growing up watching their movies. That's how I discover Marvel. My dad is a DC kind of guy (he took me to watch Batman & Robin when I was a kid) so I never knew Marvel until I watch Spider-Man. Then came Iron Man. But it's Avengers that made me become a Marvel Cinematic Universe fan. It just shows how good and convincing the casts (in which mostly I grew up with) are. Four years later, I'm still sitting to the very end of the line post-credit scene.

And it's safe to say that the guy from Cellular, I'm following him.


I love reading but the problem is I don't have much time to spend in one thick book. I find it harder to finish a book that I can't finish reading in one go. Too hard to focus! And I ended up forgetting the story once I put it down. That's why I stick to reading comics but not novels in particular. My fave book is probably Train Man by Nakano Hitori. It's just fun, rather confusing but definitely warm. I like humanity stories, but also love to be intrigued by detective stories.


Crack time: to this day, I still have hard time to differentiate Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg.


The whole post have gone super long! But i think it's quite fun? I really enjoyed writing it and I hope I can share more personal things in this blog in the future.

Your turn. Anything fun, entertainment-wise, about you? :)

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