Highs and Lows - 07/52

Photo by Alisa Anton. Taken from Unsplash

Slight change, yes. From now on, 52 Weeks of Happy Things will change to 52 Weeks of Highs and Lows. I thought the previous posts were not representing myself and this blog. I always thought life should be about ups and downs. Indeed I know I just have to dig deeper for something to be grateful at. Also it's a good challenge to stay positive throughout all the shit. But I also want to share the bad things that happened, which made happy things even happier. Thus the slight change. I hope it makes sense?


  1. Wednesday off due to gubernatorial election.
  2. M Y 🎉 B I R T H D A Y 🎉
  3. Took Thursday off because this birthday girl deserves it.
  4. Lovely greetings and well wishes. Some old friends who haven't connected for quite a while took their time to greet me and they are the sweetest.
  5. Bro made french toast as birthday gift (not the one in picture but he made me similar one long time ago)
  6. Half a week long of valentine movies.
  7. In which Begin Again was actually awesome. Should've watched it sooner.
  8. Then a week of Bond movies followed after.
  9. LINE Get Rich in general. This game was utterly frustrating so I uninstalled it long time ago. But recently I'm bored and I feel like playing it again. I was rewarded with so many goodies including new dice and S+ cards and awesome pendants.
  10. Limbo by boyfie DEAN. Such a lovely gift.
  11. Got inspired on new and upcoming posts. Hopefully could go live soon.
  12. Midnight fried rice (pardon with all these midnight food lines. I am so unhealthy 😅😅)
  13. Night rain throughout the weekdays. Which makes sleeping much more comfortable.
  14. Grammys!  Ed Sheeran's performance was my fave.
  15. Spent pretty sunny weekend at home. 


  1. The fact that some dearest ones forgot my birthday. I know I shouldn't spare the Expect Less policy even for them, but, still
  2. Broke. Ha ha.
  3. Declined an invitation for a girl day out with high school friends (solely because the one who invite me was rude. Should've put it on highs, perhaps)
  4. This country's censorship. Which gotten more ridiculous.
  5. Those ridiculous billboards. I hate it when people mix religion and politics. And those people who obviously too dumb to be dragged into the whirlwind.
Some links for thoughts:

// Karlie Kloss pulled yellowface on Vogue. It bothered me because I love Karlie (she issued an apology though) and didn't think she would partake in such. But then again, I confused as to when does something considered as appropriation? The fact that Japanese seems unbothered (rather enthusiastic, imo) raised a challenge on how far an art form could do until people scream appropriation left and right. Is it actually an appropriation when the one who should be offended was, in fact, not?
// The Raid gets an American remake. Yay or nay? (Nay for me. Also, 'MURICA, WHY THE NEED)
// A thought on V-day. Just because the whole post made me remember all those lovely younger years with my ex. Bittersweet.

How's last week of yours went?

52 Weeks of Highs and Lows: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06

"A great challenge of life: Knowing enough to think you're doing it right,
but not enough to know you're doing it wrong."
Neil deGrasse Tyson

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