It's Raining - 06/52

Photo by Veeterzy. Taken from

Gotta admit I disliked last week. It rained almost in daily basis and the amount of impoliteness in people is just so high. I wonder why? I do relish the rain but it made morning commute close to impossible. But still, it makes me grateful because I know I just have to dig deeper for something to be grateful at. Also it's a good challenge to stay positive throughout all the shit. So here you go.

  1. Started Monday seeing photos of this cuteness! 😍😍
  2. My boyfriend Dean is going to release new single on 17th. Just a day after my birthday!! We r meant 2 b! lmao
  3. Afternoon cold coke
  4. Followed by midnight french fries 🍟
  5. This amazing pinterest board.
  6. Starting a J-dorama "Natsuko Kira". I'm up to 4th eps and been amazing so far!
  7. Savage galore by Ahok on the last gubernatorial debate (you go, man. Too bad I'm not Jakartans!)
  8. Home bound for the weekend ⛈🌧🌧
  9. Laughing our ass off over Sharknado! 🤣🦈🌪

Some links I loved!

// Stigma of singledom in digital dating era. The points of curating a clickbait profile tho lmao
// Just some Indonesian girl problems (tho I'm curious is this universally Asian?)
// I'm not a Ghostbusters fan but do I need everything? HECK YEZ.
// Photos from Jane's trip to Cuba and Winnie's inside look of Casa Batllo.

Hoping your week was better than mine. How's it by the way? I'm looking forward to watch John Wick 2 and Split! Hopefully this weekend. Have a lovely week!

*I accidentally posted my draft of this post. Whoops. If you managed to catch it, sorry 😓

52 Weeks of Nothing But Happiness: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

"People are not rain or snow or autumn leaves
They do not look pretty when they fall down."

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