Fly By - 05/52

I admit last week went by just like that and I can't even remember half of it. What the? I think I was too busy nursing my period cramps and fell asleep whenever it's possible. Even the movies I watched last week were adding pretty slow. It was quite uneventful, I think. Ah, I don't know 😓

The only thing memorable was the wedding of a friend I attended last Sunday 👰 It was really nice. You know that feeling of watching a longtime friend married to her longtime lover in which you've witnessed the upside down of their relationship? Yeah. It was a milestone in its entirety and I'm happy to be there! She's so pretty 😍

Also, I met another longtime friend (we're almost quite a holy trinity haha) in which I haven't met for quite a while. We kept in touch through social medias all the time but nothing could beat that feeling of meeting face to face, right? We had quite a chat before going home. So so fun 👯

Some links I loved (and made me happy!):

// Queen of peace is peaceful indeed.
// This addicting game that made me draw stupid stuffs in-between works
// SECRETARY KIM DANCING TO TT IS HILARIOUS (thank you for letting me know, Xin! 💜💜)
// I'm moving here. All mail shall go to my secretary.
// How Arrival’s Designers Crafted a Mesmerizing Alien Alphabet. A must read!
// Today's note: Forgive Yourself For Not Being Perfect.
// That "Warrior" shade is definitely YELLING at me!!!

It's February already. I just celebrated some of my closest friends' birthday days ago (most of my friends shared the same birthday month with me) and soon come mine. Somehow I don't feel too excited? It's too early to say, indeed. I'll blame it on the weather.

I'll try to post list of January movies before Friday. How's your last week been?

52 Weeks of Nothing But Happiness: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04

"Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you."
― Kahlil Gibran

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A Wordsmith.